Move aside Bubble tea, Get out of the way coffee buns, donuts are the new stars. I really wonder, why are sooooo many Sinagporeans all of a sudden crazy of donuts? I remember we use to have Dunkin Donuts in Singapore,then for a long time, donuts seem to have disappeared from our island till recently when any Singaporeans are going nuts about donuts. Waiting in line for 3 hours is it worth the wait????
It was 2pm on a weekday, where people should be in their offices typing away, doing work, but No, instead I saw many office workers waiting in a ridiculously long line for donuts. I am not against donuts, neither am i mad about them. At most I am only willing to wait 5min 3hours, I rather not eat, at least I can save my money, and won't need to pile on the extra pounds. How long can donuts retain their new found fame, or will they have to make way for a new star?? who knows.
Okay so I could not resist but try out some donuts myself.
The most recent one I had was from Munchy Donuts.
To tell you the truth, I can't tell the difference between donuts I have tried, the only difference is the flavours. My Fave ones from Munchy are the Silly-mon (cinnamon on white chocolate) and the Oreo one. I don't really fancy those with cream in the centre, makes the donuts extremey sweet. The reason I went to try Munchy donuts is because 8-days said Munchy was No. 1 (the power of media -.-)