Sunday, September 23, 2007

The End?

My mum brought back some awfully chocolate cake from her office, and guess what? it was AWFULly Chocolate. No Idea why people still patronize the store, maybe it's because they haven't tried anything better.

Cheng Tng is today's topic. My favourite one can be found at the Bedok Food Centre. ( Near the old army camp) It's D-Lish.
Unlike those that are sold in majority of food courts/coffeshops, which are dark brown in colour, this is lighter in colour. And they are generous with the ingredients, and not too sweet.
Yellow Sweet potatoes, Dried Persimmions, Lotus Seeds, Melon Sugar, Barley, Sago Balls, Dried Logans, and lots of those brown Cheng Tng thing that floats around?? lol However, I would have preferred if they added more dried logans.
The store only sells cheng tng, so don't expect the wide array of dessert choices like many other dessert stores. O there is a stall next to this cheng tng stall that I think belongs to the same person, and they sell cuttlefish Kangkong.

I want to eat at The Line!!! Any sponsers? haha

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